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But this time Maggie looked to enjoy it. Kara, Maggie, and everyone in the room was in an uproar as everyone stormed out. .widget .widget-title:after, .widget.widget_tag_cloud .tagcloud a:hover, .widget_calendar table > thead, .widget_calendar table #today:before, .go-top:before, footer .widget.widget_nav_menu .menu > li > a:before, footer .widget.widget_product_categories ul > li > a:before, footer .widget.widget_categories ul > li > a:before, footer .widget.widget_pages ul > li > a:before, footer .widget.widget_archive ul > li > a:before, footer .widget.widget_meta ul > li > a:before, .modal-menu__body .modal-menu__close { background-image: linear-gradient(90deg,#123e6e 0%, #1e73be 100%);} Kara and Maggie had been the best of friends. Kara learns that her mysterious patron is her boss, Maggie Sawyer, the owner of Sapphire Lounge. Kara has feelings of guilt. The Kryptonian and Her Kryptonite by Kandi Bug. height: 1em !important; "Thank you." Kara . These one-shots will include the, well, SuperFamily! While she still may be Supergirl, she's not the person you may know. After admitting he had feelings for Kara while the two were on Argo, all he wants is for everything to. After Kara breaks up with Cat, Lena is more than happy to swoop in and help out, but Cat isn't ready to give in so easily. As there is a limited amount of fic, in this Supergirl femslash fanfiction recommendation, I cover both variants of this ship. Prequel to Season 1 with Kara and Alex as teenagers in Midvale. If Kelly were in any real danger she would have told her wife. But everything becomes clear when Clark Kent asks his cousin for a favour. Instead of becoming "Sunny Danvers," Kara is a tough, anti-social person bordering on a sociopath. You have a good rapport with her. New. Or being married to Kara Danvers. Supergirl (TV 2015), The 100 (TV) Mature Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death F/F, F/M, M/M Work in Progress 15 Feb 2023 Graphic Depictions Of Violence Major Character Death Samantha "Sam" Arias/Kara Danvers Clarke Griffin/Lexa Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas Kara Zor-El Kara Danvers Clarke Griffin Kara, she prayed. .header-sticky #mainnav > ul > li > a, .header-sticky #header .show-search a, .header-sticky header .block a, .header-sticky #header .mini-cart-header .cart-count, .header-sticky #header .mini-cart .cart-count, .header-sticky .button-menu { line-height:calc(100px / 1.4);} While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. .bottom { background:#0d0d0d;} "Uh. .widget .widget-title { font-size:18px; } Primary focus is Supergirl, although the POV might be almost anyone from the DC Comics Universe. It was a feeling that Maggie had. Not that the agent could blame her, she now knows how Kara felt when Alex and Maggie were together. Kara Zor-El and her older twin sister Bexley Zor-El are sent to Earth at the age of 13. The story start when Sam and Kara meet for the first time). .custom-buttons, .nav-menu-button {font-family: "Montserrat", Sans-serif; There's nothing little about Little Danvers.". Snusfabriken Rabattkod, But his dreams of a crime fighting family are dashed when neither sister wants anything to do with the brother who abandoned them. Lena and Kara () . .header-modal-menu-left-btn .modal-menu-left-btn .line { background:#ffffff;} True Hero ~Supercorp~ . Oliver nodded, letting out a sigh. .themesflat-portfolio .item .category-post a:hover,ul.iconlist .list-title .testimonial-content blockquote,.testimonial-content .author-info,.themesflat_counter.style2 .themesflat_counter-content-right,.themesflat_counter.style2 .themesflat_counter-content-left, .page-links a:hover, .page-links a:focus,.widget_search .search-form input[type=search],.entry-meta ul,.entry-meta ul.meta-right,.entry-footer strong, .themesflat_button_container, .woocommerce div.product .woocommerce-tabs ul.tabs li a, .portfolio-single .entry-content, article .entry-meta ul li a, .blog-single .entry-footer .tags-links a, .navigation.posts-navigation .nav-links li a .meta-nav, .comments-area ol.comment-list article .comment_content .comement_reply a, .flat-language ul.unstyled-child li a, .themesflat-price-product del, .woocommerce div.product p.price, .woocommerce div.product span.price, .woocommerce .products .product span.price, .woocommerce .products .product span.price del bdi { color:#ffffff} At the age of 14, she learned about her soulmates. Knowing her wife loved to see her in that suit. Because of course when Toy story 4 came out to the theater, Kara drag us again. Y el futuro pareca incierto aun cuando mi alma me deca que decisin quera tomar. Supergirl was a television series based on the DC Comics character of the same name.Premiering on October 26, 2015, it aired its inaugural season on CBS, before moving to sister network The CW from the second season onwards, where it forms a part of the Arrowverse.. At the age of seventeen, she came back to the right earth by accidentally turning back time. Finished! Now, Bruce has returned to begin his mission, one he is sure his sisters will want to join. .page-title .overlay { opacity:90%; filter:alpha(opacity=90); } Being Maggie's adoptive alien sister and liking Lucy would include. What happened?. You may also like . window._wpemojiSettings = {"baseUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/core\/emoji\/14.0.0\/72x72\/","ext":".png","svgUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/core\/emoji\/14.0.0\/svg\/","svgExt":".svg","source":{"concatemoji":"https:\/\/\/wp-includes\/js\/wp-emoji-release.min.js?ver=6.0"}}; #mainnav ul.sub-menu > li > a { font-family:Montserrat;} My parents are gone to an event for the hospital tonight. In preparation for the fight, Maggie took a leave of absence from the police department and trained all day with Lena and James. vertical-align: -0.1em !important; Kara has always been honest to Reader about who she was and what she can do, but Reader hasn't been the same. Based on the movie The Wedding Planner with Jennifer Lopez and Matthew McConaughey. "Great." The one where Lena works as a librarian and slowly develops an infatuation for a certain blonde who always comes in at 5pm and asks the most endearing questions. Changed the summary a bit. Just then, Alex watched as Lena walked out of the bedroom. #footer, #footer a { color:#B1B1B1;} That's what I stand for.Supergirl to Red Daughter Kara Danvers (born 1966 as Kara Zor-El) is the daughter of Zor-El and Alura. Not James or Clark friendly at all. With no word from their brother or any clue to his whereabouts, the two sisters believed him dead and moved on with their lives. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". Maggie let go of Kara, "You are so lying, Kara. Lucy bit her lip and spun her cue stick between her fingers. Things take a heated turn when an argument becomes a rough afternoon for them both in the bedroom. .bottom .copyright a:before { background:#eb6d2f;} Not seeing anything Alex called to her sister over the radio. Norrtlje Anstalt Knda Fngar, Kara has kept her distance from Alex. "Read about a case in the academy. Mxyzptlk proposes to Kara Danvers "Mr. & Mrs. Mxyzptlk" is the thirteenth episode of the second season of Supergirl, and the thirty-third episode overall . "Do you.have a problem with Supergirl?" she asked hesitantly, trying to keep her emotions vague. They've been with each other for years, carrying one another through thick and thin. Christmas at the Danvers' was always magical and gorgeous. Well, this night just kept getting better and better. "You are so full of shit," Maggie shot back. There is a connection and sparks fly. Her bottom lip is in her teeth and her camera clicks and clicks and clicks. Before Cat leaves to DC, there's one more asset of CatCo that she has to transfer to Lena's control. "It appears so, Agent Danvers. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. .themesflat-action-box .themesflat-button { background-color:#eb6d2f;} Kara, Lena and Cat take Carter to Argo for the first time and get to know the planet and Alura. He secretly . At the age of 15, she accidentally traveled off-world. Short or long stories of smut with hardly a plot; just sex and bits of dark themes in between, one-shots, or two-shots, if the story calls for it. As soon as it developed, Alex was going to hunt a nurse with a pen down and commence drawing a moustache on Maggie's photogenic sleeping face. } Supergirl fanfiction kara in pain Supergirl fanfiction kara in pain. Supergirl was a television series based on the DC Comics character of the same name.Premiering on October 26, 2015, it aired its inaugural season on CBS, before moving to sister network The CW from the second season onwards, where it forms a part of the Arrowverse.. Mon-el chooses to stay after defeating Reign alongside Supergirl. No plot other than Halloween costume ideas for one of my favorite fandom couples and giving them a reason for a lot of kissing. Alex, Eliza, Jeremiah, Lena and friends must now teach Kara to be a human. They make a deal: if Kara catches the blackmailer, Lena will give her her dream job. .single-portfolios .elementor-image-carousel-wrapper .elementor-swiper-button { background: linear-gradient(180deg,#123e6e 0%, #1e73be 100%);} After admitting he had feelings for Kara while the two were on Argo, all he wants is for everything to. Don't read if it makes you uncomfortable. blockquote { line-height:40px;} .themesflat-action-box .themesflat-button, .themesflat-action-box .themesflat-button:hover { color:#ffffff;} El pasado y el presente se unan en una cama, cada una a m lado, ambas buscando una energa que se encontraba confundida y perdida. //Sin especificaciones de personajes. She had talked with Winn and he promised if there was an emergency, like the cruise ship, he would be the one to call her. And it did, but what happens next is not what they had in mind. But Diana has her own idea of what true power is and put her plans in motion years ago to attain it, some involved ridding Gotham City of the crime that had plagued it for so long. body,button,input,select,textarea { line-height:1.875;} If we're going to work together, I at least need something to call you." Mostly however, this is a fun place to share ideas. She doesn't seem to realize that the toothbrush she stashed behind her ear this morning is still there. she asked. Kal-El (born 1979) is the son of Jor-El and Lara Van-El. !function(e,a,t){var n,r,o,i=a.createElement("canvas"),p=i.getContext&&i.getContext("2d");function s(e,t){var a=String.fromCharCode,e=(p.clearRect(0,0,i.width,i.height),p.fillText(a.apply(this,e),0,0),i.toDataURL());return p.clearRect(0,0,i.width,i.height),p.fillText(a.apply(this,t),0,0),e===i.toDataURL()}function c(e){var t=a.createElement("script");t.src=e,t.defer=t.type="text/javascript",a.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(t)}for(o=Array("flag","emoji"),t.supports={everything:!0,everythingExceptFlag:!0},r=0;r ul > li > a, .header-modal-menu-left-btn .text { font-weight:700;} supergirl origins Adventure Plot Slow Burn In the sleepy town of Riverrush, Lena, seeking a reprieve from the noise and bustle of the city, meets a stranger. .bottom .copyright a { color:#eb6d2f;} Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (39), Polyamorous Kara Danvers/Cat Grant/Lena Luthor (10), Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, Cat Grant Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, I don't know why Alex isn't in this fic I love her but she didn't want to be in it, Humor / fluff / angst / bit of not very explicit smut / everything rolled into this chaotic fic, Cat Grant is very out of character at first and slowly becomes the Cat we know and love, Kara Danvers/Original Female Character(s), Lois Lane Solemnly Swears She is Up to No Good, Contains More Dominance and Submission Elements Than I'm Used To, Alex Chasing Kara Around Begging her Not to Scare the Humans, Kara Knows That Sex is a Skill and Takes Practice, Kara Fucks but She Won't Fuck with Capitalism. And the relief in Kara's voice when Alex told her that she thought she had it figured out - how to get her powers back to her - that made everything she had gone through worth it. Alex Danvers & Kara Danvers; Maggie & literally everyone; Sam / Imra; Characters: Kara Danvers; Alex Danvers; Lena Luthor; Maggie Sawyer; James "Jimmy" Olsen; Winn Schott Jr. Mon-El (Supergirl TV 2015) Samantha "Sam" Arias; Lucy Lane (DCU) Leslie Willis; . Part 14 of Supercorp Stories. "> #header #logo a, .modal-menu__panel-footer .logo-panel a { max-width:121px;} Frunderskningsprotokoll Offentligt, box-shadow: none !important; About Supergirl Kara Fanfiction Dying . Kara learns that her mysterious patron is her boss, Maggie Sawyer, the owner of Sapphire Lounge. Completed lenaluthor modernmedieval maggiesawyer +7 more # 2 The Parent Trap by lil and an 91.2K 2.9K 29 alexdanvers; lenaluthor; catgrant +11 more # 17. . And friends looked out for each other. background-color: #760A04;} Sin Poderes. Lena runs off to her Metropolis ski resort to put Kara out of her mind. margin: 0 0.07em !important; Watch The Queen Conquer. two on the all time richest in the world. There will NOT be a set posting schedule and we'll add tags as we go. Chapter one: How Lena, Cat, and Kara began dating. body, input, select, textarea, a { color:#ffffff} Somehow, Lena finds herself comforting Kara after a mess. Warning: It's supposed to be very soft and fluffy but there will be some emotional trauma to get past. 1. .bottom, .bottom a { color:#ffffff;} Kara will get her happy ending that she deserves. What The Fuck was That Boarding School The Sappho Academy? Alex finds herself conflicted with her feelings for her best friend Vicki while Kara's complicated relationship with Lex Luthor heats up. #footer{padding-top:114px; padding-bottom:20px; margin-bottom:-80px; } "That's the blush Roz was after. Supergirl bursts through the wall and rolls into the hallway with a parade of rubble. But a sinister plot looms on the horizon and the three will need to work together to save the people of Gotham City from death by their own fears. "Kara Zor-El," a distorted, angry voice boomed. Ongoing. 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