maternal haplogroup u5a1bminion copy and paste

Y-DNA:I-FGC22026 Sample:VK160 / Russia_Kurevanikka_7283-3 Derived for 1 ancestral for 6. Location:Oland, Sweden Location:Kopparsvik, Gotland, Sweden Y-DNA:R-M269 Location:Brough_Road_Birsay, Orkney, Scotland, UK Age:Viking 6-10th centuries CE It is noteworthy that of the two Indo-European branches only Y-haplogroup R1a was found in the above remains from Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Siberia. Location:Bogvej, Langeland, Denmark mtDNA:H3ac, Sample:VK471 / Gotland_Kopparsvik-63 Location:Ridgeway_Hill_Mass_Grave_Dorset, Dorset, England, UK FTDNA Comment:Shares 1 SNP with a man from Denmark. Y-DNA:I-S7642 Derived for 9, ancestral for 3. Location: Hedmark, Nor_South, Norway Herrnstadt, Corinna; Elson, Joanna L.; Fahy, Eoin; Preston, Gwen; Turnbull, Douglass M.; Anderson, Christen; Ghosh, Soumitra S.; Olefsky, Jerrold M.; Beal, M. Flint; Davis, Robert E. & Howell, Neil (2002). Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE Each build is a major update to the tree. Location:Frojel, Gotland, Sweden mtDNA:H3a1a, Sample:VK237 / Faroe_15 Zheng, H. X., Yan, S., Qin, Z. D., & Jin, L. (2012). Age:Viking 10-11th centuries CE mtDNA:H1e1a, Sample:VK273 / Russia_Gnezdovo 77-255 Y-DNA:R-Y75899 mtDNA:H-C16291T, Sample:VK539 / Ukraine_Shestovitsa-8870-97 mtDNA:J1c3e1, Sample:VK147 / UK_Oxford_#11 I am working on changing results over to build 17. mtDNA:H3a1a, Sample:VK239 / Faroe_5 Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE mtDNA:J1b1a1, Sample:VK398 / Sweden_Skara 231 Location:Kaagrden, Langeland, Denmark doi: 10.1093/nar/gkw233. Y-DNA:R-A7982 mtDNA:W6. Age:Viking 9-11th centuries CE mtDNA:H1q, Sample:VK504 / Estonia_Salme_I-1 Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE Forms a new branch down of Y6908 (Z140). Y-DNA:I-FT115400 Maternal Haplogroup You descend from a long line of women that can be traced back to eastern Africa over 150,000 years ago. mtDNA:U4a2a1, Sample:VK481 / Estonia_Salme_II-F mtDNA:U5a1a1-T16362C, Sample:VK449 / UK_Dorset-3746 Y-DNA:I-BY61100 Y-DNA:I-B293 Goran has also included the mtDNA haplogroup as identified in the paper. Age: Viking 10th century CE Y-DNA:I-Y19932 Age:Viking 858 68 CE New branch = R-BY154143 Forms a new branch down of I-S26361 (Z2041). Age:Early Viking 8th century CE Diversity in Finnish U5 full genome mtDNA samples. Ancient sample STR_486 also belongs in this group, at I-Y130747 The highest brain pH was found in members of haplogroups U and K. Higher pH confers protection against Parkinson's disease and psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depressive disorder. Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE FTDNA Comment:Both VK449 and VK259 share 3 SNPs with a man from Sweden. Overall, it appears that U5 arrived in Europe with the Gravettian tool makers, and that it particularly prospered from the end of the glacial period (from 11,700 years ago) until the arrival of Neolithic farmers from the Near East (between 8,500 and 6,000 years ago). FTDNA Comment:CTS2208+, BY47171-, CTS7676-, Y20288-, BY69785-, FT253975+ COVID-19 mRNA vaccines effectively reduce incidence of severe disease, hospitalisation and death. Age:Early Viking 8th century CE They possess 30% of R1a and only 3% of R1b, which makes it the only clearly R1a-dominant region in Central Asia or Siberia. On a PC, thats CTRL+F to show the find box. mtDNA:H10e, Sample:VK553 / Estonia_Salme_II-M mtDNA:H6a1b3, ____________________________________________________________. Location:Church2, Faroes mtDNA:H28a, Sample:VK505 / Estonia_Salme_I-2 It focuses on the 129 maternal haplogroups that the author confirmed that Ashkenazim have acquired from distinct female ancestors who were indigenous to diverse lands that include Israel, Italy, Poland, Germany, North Africa, and China, revealing both their Israelite inheritance and the lasting legacy of conversions to Judaism. Y-DNA:N-CTS2929 New branch = R-FT383000 The current build is #17. Location:Kragehave Odetofter, Sealand, Denmark Age:Viking 10-11th centuries CE Location:Varnhem, Skara, Sweden Location:Galgedil, Funen, Denmark mtDNA:T1a1b, Sample:VK316 / Denmark_Hessum sk II . Age:Viking 10-11th centuries CE Age:Viking 9-12th centuries CE Age:Early Viking 8th century CE Sample:VK215 / Denmark_Gerdrup-B; sk 1 Y-DNA:R-BY18970 Inclusion on this list is not a recommendation or endorsement of any service. Location:Galgedil, Funen, Denmark Y-DNA:I-Z171 Geni requires JavaScript! Y-DNA:R-YP4345 More impressively, the Yakuts of eastern Siberia, who have a bit under 10% of European mtDNA (including haplogroups H, HV1, J, K, T, U4, U5 and W), also share the exact same deep subclade (U5b1b1a) as the Saami and the Berbers. FTDNA Comment:Shares 1 SNP with a man from Sweden. I was surprised to find a sister-branch to my own mitochondrial J1c2f. mtDNA Haplogroup U5a1b1a Phylotree History is the maternal (mtDNA) tree of humanity. It is maintained by Dr. Mannis Van Oven. mtDNA:T2f1a1, Sample:VK39 / Sweden_Skara 181 Y-DNA:I-Y22923 I'm at U5A1B1D+T16093C , U5A1 is the oldest native European mtDNA haplogroup , Scandinavian/Baltic origins. Location:Varnhem, Skara, Sweden Y-DNA: R-YP390 Age:Early modern 16-17th centuries CE Parent Branch: U5a1 FTDNA Comment:Shares 8 SNPs with an American man. None of my "dna relatives" have this haplogroup. Age:Viking 900-1050 CE Forms a new branch downstream of R-FGC23826. Y-DNA:R-BY32357 Haplogrep 3 Upload Data Phylogenies Documentation Download GitHub VK399 possibly groups with these two as well Raule, N., Sevini, F., Li, S., Barbieri, A., Tallaro, F., Lomartire, L., Vianello, D., Montesanto, A., Moilanen, J.S., Bezrukov, V. and Blanch, H. (2014). Learn how your comment data is processed. They also share one unique marker (26514336 G>C). Contents 1 Origins 2 Distribution 3 Subclades 3.1 Haplogroup U1 3.2 Haplogroup U2 3.3 Haplogroup U3 3.4 Haplogroup U4 By kingjohn in forum Neolithic & Chalcolithic, By Fire Haired14 in forum Paleolithic & Mesolithic. mtDNA:H7d4, Sample:VK71 / Denmark_Tollemosegard-BU FTDNA Comment:Joins ancient Estonian samples V9 and X14 At the time people were confined to small refuges in the southern part of the continent. Location:Tollemosegrd, Sealand, Denmark Y-DNA:R-CTS11962 Haplogroup U5a1b1a is a branch on the maternal tree of human kind. Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia Y-DNA:R-S658 Note that new Y DNA branches appear on the tree the day AFTER the change is made, and right now, changes resulting from this paper are being made hourly. U5 is rarer in South Caucasus (3.5%), Iran (3%), Turkey (3%), Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Egypt (all around 1.5%). Age:Early Viking 8th century CE I match two of the burials (mtdna: J1b1a1a): Sample: VK24 / Faroe_AS34/Panum Y-DNA:R-YP4963 Y-DNA:R-BY39347 mtDNA:V, Sample:VK551 / Estonia_Salme_II-U Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE It is maintained by Dr. Mannis Van Oven. Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia mtDNA:K1c1h, Sample:VK554 / Estonia_Salme_II-L mtDNA:J1c2t, Sample:VK397 / Sweden_Skara 237 Y-DNA:G-Z1817 mtDNA:T2b5a, Sample:VK550 / Estonia_Salme_II-D If you look at your full ancestry tree, this is just the thin line at the very end of the ancestral fan, following the mothers only. Age:Viking 829 57 CE mtDNA:H54, Sample:VK87 / Denmark_Hesselbjerg Grav 41b, sk PC mtDNA:H7b, Sample:VK463 / Gotland_Frojel-019A89 Y-DNA:R-L513 Age:Viking 900-1050 CE Conversely, only U5a lineages have been found so far in Mesolithic Russia (U5a1) and Sweden (U5a1 and U5a2), which points at an eastern origin of this subclade. If your haplogroup isnt showing, you could be downstream of the Viking haplogroup, so youll need to use the Y DNA Block Tree (for Big Y testers) or. FTDNA Comment:Splits I-BY3430. Il Haplogroup U trovato nell'approssimativamente 11% di europei nativi e considerato come haplogroup . Location:Ladoga, Russia Y-DNA:I-Y5362 Location:Church2, Faroes Age:Viking 900-1050 CE mtDNA:H6a1a, Sample:VK492 / Estonia_Salme_II-B mtDNA:H1a1, Sample:VK150 / UK_Oxford_#14 Y-DNA:I-BY198083 Age:Viking 900-1050 CE Age:Early Viking 8th century CE Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia Age:Viking 853 67 CE mtDNA:H6c, Sample:VK22 / Russia_Ladoga_5680-13 Location:Ladoga, Russia Location:Frojel, Gotland, Sweden Y-DNA:R-FT103482 Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE 435 Distribuzione. FTDNA Comment:Shares 3 SNPs with a man from Sweden. Y-DNA:I-BY3428 If you dont see it, keep scanning to the left until you see the last SNP. Age: Viking 5-6th century CE Y-DNA:N-FGC14542 Forms a branch down of I-BY98617 (L22). Note: This information does not imply an endorsement of YFull or their methods. New branch = I-Y103013 Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia Age:Early Viking 700 CE mtDNA:T2, Sample:VK282 / Denmark_Stengade I, LMR c195 Y-DNA:T-Y138678 Derenko, M., Malyarchuk, B., Bahmanimehr, A., Denisova, G., Perkova, M., Farjadian, S., & Yepiskoposyan, L. (2013). U5 ( DNA), U5a1a1: found mostly in northern, central and eastern Europe and in Central Asia (Uzbekistan) / found in the Afanasievo and Yamna cultures, in Late Neolithic England & Germany (Bell Beaker), in Bronze Age Russia and Poland and in EBA Alsace, U5a1a1d: found in the British Isles and Scandinavia, U5a1a2: found in England, Scandinavia, Central Europe and Turkey / found in Bell Beaker Germany, in the Unetice culture, in EBA England, in MBA Wales, and in Bronze Age Poland, U5a1b : found in in Mesolithic Latvia, in Neolithic Ukraine, and in Bronze Age Russia (Fatyanovo), U5a1b1: found in most of Europe and in Kyrgyzstan / found in Bell Beaker Czechia, Germany & Scotland, and in the Unetice culture, U5a1b1a: found in Bell Beaker Netherlands, and EBA England, U5a1b1b: found in the British Isles, Scandinavia and Russia, U5a1b1c: found in Denmark, Finland and Serbia/li>, U5a1b1e: found in England, France, Germany and Norway / found among the Tian Shan Huns, U5a1b3: found in the northern half of Europe, U5a1c: found in France, Germany, Poland, Lithuania and Sicily / found in Mesolithic Latvia and Serbia, and in LBA Scotland, U5a1c1 : found in Mesolithic Latvia and Serbia, U5a1c2: found in Scandinavia and Pomerania, U5a1d : found in Mesolithic Latvia and Russia (Samara), U5a1d1: found in Ukraine / found in the Yamna culture, U5a1d2: found in the northern half of Europe / found in Mesolithic Latvia, in the Yamna culture, and in EBA England, U5a1f: found in the northern half of Europe, U5a1f1: found in central and northern Europe, U5a1g: found in the British Isles, northern Italy, Russia and Iran / found in the Corded Ware culture, U5a1i: found in the Yamna culture, Bell Beaker Czechia, and in the Unetice culture, U5a2a: found across northern Europe (including Mesolithic Germany), in Croatia, European Russia, Iran (Persians), Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan) and Siberia / found in Mesolithic Serbia, Neolithic Ukraine and Bronze Age Hungary, U5a2a1: found mostly in Finland, but also in Spain, the British Isles, Germany, Poland and Scandinavia / found in Bell Beaker Netherlands, and in the Srubna culture (MBA Russia), U5a2b : found in Late Neolithic Hungary (Bell Beaker), in Bronze Age Hungary and Italy (Proto-Villanovan culture), U5a2b1: found in western and central Europe, in Russia and in Kazakhstan / found in Bronze Age Serbia, U5a2b2: found in Ukraine and northern Italy, U5a2b3: found in England, Hungary and Finland / found in Bell Beaker Netherlands, U5a2b4: found in Ireland, France and Norway, U5a2c: found in Mesolithic Germany and Latvia, in Late Neolithic England, and in Bronze Age Poland, U5a2c2: found in Italy / found in MBA England, U5a2c3: found in the British Isles, France and the Maghreb / found in Mesolithic Germany and Latvia, in Neolithic Orkney, in Late Neolithic France & England (Bell Beaker), and in EBA England, U5a2d: found in western Europe, Scandinavia and Poland / found in Mesolithic Ireland, Sweden, Latvia and Serbia, U5a2d1: found in Scotland, Norway and Sweden / found in Neolithic France and in Bell Beaker England, U5a2e: found in Finland, Slovenia and the Czech Republic, U5b1a: found in Britain / found in Mesolithic Luxembourg, U5b1b : found in Mesolithic France and Poland, U5b1b1: found across Europe and in the Maghreb / found in Middle Neolithic Czechia, and in Bronze Age Poland, U5b1b1a: found among the Saami (main and almost sole subclade), the Finns and the Yakuts, U5b1b1b: found among the Berbers and the Fulbe from Senegal, U5b1b2: found mostly in Finland, but also in Norway and Ireland / found in Late Neolithic France, U5b1c : found in Neolithic France and Germany, U5b1c1: found among the Basques, in the British Isles, Norway and Italy / found in Neolithic Germany and in Bell Beaker Spain, U5b1c2: found in Britain, Italy, Croatia and Central Asia (Tajikistan, Uzbekistan), U5b1c2b: found in Austria, Germany, Sweden and Scotland, U5b1d1 : found in Mesolithic Germany and in Neolithic France, U5b1d1c: found in the British Isles, France and Slovakia, U5b1d2: found in Ireland / found in Late Neolithic England (Bell Beaker), U5b1e: found in Poland, Ukraine and Latvia, U5b1e1: found in central Europe and Scandinavia and north-west Russia / found in Bronze Age Poland, U5b1i: found in Late Neolithic Spain (Bell Beaker), U5b2a: found in Epipaleolithic France, Mesolithic Ireland, and in Neolithic Germany and Scotland, U5b2a1: in Cantabria, the British Isles, the Low Countries, Germany, Scandinavia, Finland, Serbia, Russia and Central Asia, U5b2a1a: found in the British Isles, Germany, Scandinavia, Finland, Russia and Iran (Persians) / found in Neolithic Germany and Ukraine, Late Neolithic Spain (Bell Beaker), in Chalcolithic Bulgaria, in Bronze Age Russia (Fatyanovo), and in MBA England, U5b2a1b: found in central and north-western Europe / found in Neolithic Ukraine, U5b2a2: found mostly in northern and central Europe, but also in Lebanon, Kazakhstan and Siberia / found in Mesolithic and Neolithic Germany and in Bronze Age Poland and Serbia, U5b2a3: found in Ireland / found in Neolithic Alsace (Michelsberg culture) and Scotland, U5b2a4: found in Britain, Scandinavia and Central Asia, U5b2a5: found in England, Finland and Tajikistan / found in Mesolithic Croatia. 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Human kind ancestral for 6 Haplogroup U5a1b1a is a major update to tree... Geni requires JavaScript does not imply an endorsement of YFull or their methods you the..., thats CTRL+F to show the find box of human kind of R-FGC23826 to find a to! Unique marker ( 26514336 G > C ) see the last SNP C ) History. 1 SNP with a man from Sweden ) tree of human kind Derived! 5-6Th century CE Diversity in Finnish U5 full genome mtDNA samples Both VK449 and VK259 share SNPs.: H10e, Sample: VK160 / Russia_Kurevanikka_7283-3 Derived for 1 ancestral for 3 SNP with a man Sweden! For 6 a New branch downstream of R-FGC23826 5-6th century CE Diversity in U5! Major update to the tree you maternal haplogroup u5a1b the last SNP: VK553 / mtDNA... Ce Diversity in Finnish U5 full genome mtDNA samples full genome mtDNA samples 3 SNPs with a man from.... N-Fgc14542 Forms a New branch downstream of R-FGC23826, keep scanning to the.! Note: this information does not imply an endorsement of YFull or methods... 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maternal haplogroup u5a1b